Ask Me Anything! Self-Care and Self-Love

Valentine’s Day is coming! But instead of spending all your money on roses and candy for your sweetheart, take some time to indulge in self-care and self-love.

After all, loving yourself is just as important as spreading love to others!

Most Life Editors aren’t getting enough self-care so they wind up feeling exhausted, burned out, and resentful. Eek! That’ll make you want to throw your laptop out the window or crawl under a heap of pillows and blankets for the rest of your life.

This month we had another Ask Me Anything call live stream on my Facebook page so I could answer all your questions about being good to yourself without feeling guilty.

Watch the video below and then hop on over to Facebook and tell me your best tips for making time for self-care.

If you have a specific question you want me to answer on our next call, please send it to

Ready to edit your life? Click here to get your free Life Editing Strategy Call.

In This Video

  • How to stop drifting through life when every day feels the same (like Groundhog Day!).
  • Easy self-care and self-love tips just in time for Valentine’s Day.
  • How to start a business when you have a day job, kids, or a million other responsibilities.
  • My personal nighttime routine and what time I wake up in the morning.
  • What I’m teaching at the Life Editor Weekend retreat in March.
  • A preview of my annual Birthday Sale.

Mentioned in This Call

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