Let’s Celebrate! You’re Invited to Life Editor Weekend 2024

We have so much to celebrate this year, Life Editor! Throw the confetti and gimme some cake because . . . Holy moly, we deserve a party!  In honor of these BIG achievements, you’re invited to my exclusive virtual getaway for anyone who’s ready to have some fun while we get stuff done. Life Editor Weekend…

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Spring Forward Fridays! Procrastination Blaster

Welcome! It’s Week 1 of “Spring Forward Fridays” a brand-new celebration to help you make progress on your biggest goals. Before I get a bunch of angry emails—yes, I’m fully aware that it’s almost spring only in the northern hemisphere. For those of you dealing with mounds of snow and ice, consider these new courses a…

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Fix It Fast! New Digital Course to Stop Living Like It’s Groundhog Day

Happy Groundhog Day! For my non-American friends, Groundhog Day is a holiday where a groundhog (a medium-sized rodent) predicts whether it will be a long winter (sees his shadow) or an early spring (no shadow). It’s one of my favorite holidays because it’s so ridiculous and because of the 1993 movie starring Bill Murray called Groundhog…

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Cut Your Deadlines Challenge | 12 Days of Life Editing

My annual “12 Days of Life Editing” celebration is prancing onward with a winter wonderland of all-new video courses to enjoy. Today’s featured course is for anyone who’s tired of breaking the promises they make to themselves. The Cut Your Deadlines Challenge is a powerful call to action for anyone who’s tired of letting themselves down. Learn…

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Edit Your Time and Get Stuff Done | 12 Days of Life Editing

My annual “12 Days of Life Editing” celebration is prancing onward with a winter wonderland of all-new video courses to enjoy. Today’s featured course is a streamlined productivity system for anyone with a monster-sized to-do list. Edit Your Time and Get Stuff Done is is a no-nonsense video course to help you delete your distractions, fix your…

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Thank You Week Day 5: Intentional Weekends Workshop Freebie

It’s Day 5 of my “Thank You Week” annual celebration. Today’s freebie is Restore Your Energy With Intentional Weekends, a mini video workshop with easy ways to structure your weekends for maximum self-care, happiness, and joy. No more numbing out on the couch watching reruns! 5 Days of Freebies Continues With More Goodies! TODAY’S FREEBIE: Intentional Weekends Workshop…

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Thank You Week Day 1: 52 Weeks of Powerful Productivity

Welcome! It’s Day 1 of my “Thank You Week” annual celebration during the week of Thanksgiving.  I’m saying a great big THANK YOU to all my beautiful, kind, and talented Life Editor followers (that’s you!). It’s my honor and pleasure to be your coach. I’ve hosted Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals in the past promoting a paid…

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