Thank You Week Day 5: Intentional Weekends Workshop Freebie

It’s Day 5 of my “Thank You Week” annual celebration. Today’s freebie is Restore Your Energy With Intentional Weekends, a mini video workshop with easy ways to structure your weekends for maximum self-care, happiness, and joy. No more numbing out on the couch watching reruns! 5 Days of Freebies Continues With More Goodies! TODAY’S FREEBIE: Intentional Weekends Workshop…

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Editor’s Notebook 292

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy! What I’m Loving This Week New On The Blog In U.S., 4% Identify as Vegetarian, 1% as Vegan. I’ve been a vegan since 1995, so this is very exciting news! 12…

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Do you know my clients’ favorite place to hang out? Is it Facebook? TikTok? YouTube? Maybe Starbucks or Michaels or Target? Nah, my clients may love all those online and in-person locations, but there’s one place they spend oodles of time whether they’re conscious of it or not . . .  THEIR COMFORT ZONE! Maybe…

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Top 5 Excuses to Stay Stuck (Which One Is Yours?)

As a life and business coach, I hear a lot of excuses from my potential clients. Why they won’t start a business. Why they want to play small. Why they won’t raise their prices. Why they want to throw in the towel and hide under the covers forever. All those excuses have one thing in…

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3 Ways to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone in Your Business

Running an online business is pretty incredible because you’re not tied down to the old ways of doing things. If I had started a coaching business 20 years ago, I’d be stuck paying rent for a building and have a clientele limited to the people who walk by or live locally. Now me and my…

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Design Your Simple Self-Care Routine

My clients may be productivity superstars, but even they have trouble fitting this one thing into their schedules. Massive to-do lists? No problem. Tons of appointments and meetings? Got it covered. But self-care? Uh, maybe next week . . . or next month. We all drop the ball when it comes to taking care of…

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Got a Dream? Here’s How to Reach Your Goals Faster

Do you have big dreams? Of course, you do! You might want to grow your social media presence like Sofia Bevarly, boost your business online visibility, or buy a new home.  No matter what your dream is, you can make it a reality if you take proactive steps to move closer to it. There are…

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