From Chaos to Control Bundle | Plus Coaching Freebies!

I’m a normal human being (I promise, I am!), and that means I fall prey to many of the same bad habits as my clients. But I love my work too much to cut back on my goals! Thankfully, I’ve learned some tricks to manage all the nuttiness, and today I’m sharing an all-new bundle to…

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The Self-Care Summer Bundle Is Here!

Us Life Editors are great at making lists: things to do, people to contact, stuff to buy, projects to start, goals to reach, and much more. But you know what’s always at the very bottom of our lists? OURSELVES!  It’s easy to put everyone else’s needs before our own and try to be Superwomen who can handle…

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The Life Editor Big Bundle Is Back! Here’s What’s New

June is a special month for me because it’s my business anniversary!  As I start my 15th year as an entrepreneur, I want to say a huge THANK YOU to you lovely Life Editors. It’s because of your loyalty and support that I get to do what I love every single day. You are amazing,…

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All-New Course! Life Editor Weekend Archives

The May Mojo Madness celebration is rolling along with 5 all-new digital courses to boost your motivation so you can achieve your big goals quickly and easily. Today’s all-new course is the Life Editor Weekend Archives. The Life Editor Weekend Archives is a collection of video recordings from my previous in-person and virtual retreats. You’ll boost your business,…

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Mentor Mamas Unlocked Summit | Business Freebies!

My clients who are business owners AND moms face the same problem . . .  How do you split your time between your business demands and your family’s needs? Today, I’ve got a treat for you if you’re ready to balance all the priorities in your busy life without burning out, screaming at your loved ones, or…

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Not a Broken Neurotypical Bundle | All-New Freebies!

Yesterday was beautiful here in Los Angeles. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and I could hear my neighbors having a pool party with all their friends. But I spent 8 hours in bed. I wish! Nope, I simply have lifelong clinical depression. My followers are often surprised when I admit that I’m stuck…

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Here’s Your Kick in the Pants! Total Reset Plan

You’ve probably heard the advice that if you want someone to make a big change, then you have to get them to acknowledge the pain they’re feeling. This is the reasoning behind some of my product names like “Goodbye 9-to-5” and “Procrastination Blaster.” We all just need a kick in the pants sometimes!  Pain forces action, and many…

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