How to Reduce Your Anxiety With Good Self-Care

Anxiety is a mental health issue that can affect every aspect of a person’s life.

While it’s important to get medical help for anxiety, there are some techniques to reduce the symptoms.

Here’s how you can reduce your anxiety with good self-care.

Talk It Through 

Talking about what’s troubling you can give you some relief from your anxiety. Having someone listen to you can be enough. They don’t need to offer advice or information about what to do next. Talk with friends and family or speak with an understanding stranger by calling a helpline and talk to someone who’s trained to listen to you. 

Make Sure Your Physical Health Doesn’t Suffer 

It’s common for your physical health to suffer when you mental health is suffering. When this happens, you could be in danger of having a heart attack, stroke, or ulcers, among other things, and that will make your anxiety much worse.

Get enough sleep.

This can be difficult when you have anxiety, but any sleep is better than nothing. 

Eat well.

When you feel unwell, you might be tempted to eat snacks or takeout, or even skip meals altogether because it’s easier. However, it’s better to eat a well-balanced diet to help your body fight the problems you’re going through. 


Exercise is good for your mental and physical health. When you’re exercising, you’re focusing on something other than your anxiety.

Occupy Your Mind 

Sometimes anxiety can get worse when you don’t have anything else to think about. Occupy your mind with a project, hobby, or studying something useful like getting bloodborne pathogen certification for work or your home life. Staying busy gives you less time to think about any anxiety issues.

Keep a Journal 

Many people keep a journal or diary to help them with their anxiety and other mental health problems such as depression. Write down everything you’re feeling in your journal each day, and you should see a pattern of what triggers your anxiety. When you know this (and it may not be clear to begin with), you can avoid the trigger where possible to stay healthier. 

Use your diary to write down all the things you’re grateful for in your life. Then look back on these things when you’re anxious to calm yourself and remind you of all the good things you have.

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