Editor’s Notebook 142

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy!

What I’m Loving This Week

Christopher Walken’s Coffee Shop. This is the only coffee shop I want to go to.

The Best US Cities to Live in, According to Your Job. It’s all about location, location, location.

How to Write a To-Do List That Won’t Make You Want to Crawl Back in Bed. Remember to use action words!

10 Great Bookish Hashtags to Follow on Instagram. Book nerds unite!

Something’s coming — a “West Side Story” remake from Steven Spielberg. I’m so excited about this! I’ve loved this movie since I was 6 years old.

Adolescence Now Lasts From 10 to 24. Do you believe this? We bought our first house at age 24, and we felt very adult-like.

Think Small Changes Won’t Make A Difference? Here Are 6 That Will Transform Your Health. Tiny edits add up over time.

7 Reasons Why Keeping the Job You Have Might Be Your Smartest Career Move. Don’t quit just yet.

How I Started Reading 100 Books a Year. If reading is important to you, then you’ll make time for it by deleting your distractions.

Guy Raps About His Cat in the Bathtub. Too cute!

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