Just Call Me The No-Niche Bitch

This week, I reached my goal of participating in 50 bundles and summits in 2024. Woo hoo!  It’s thrilling to accomplish a big goal (especially 7 and a half months early), and I shared my milestone in several Facebook groups for entrepreneurs. In one of the groups, we had a discussion about how I could…

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Bold Biz Growth Bundle With Coaching Freebies!

One look at my website will let you know that I’m not about subtlety.  I’ve been told my branding resembles unicorn rainbow vomit, and that seems like an accurate assessment. I’m BIG and LOUD and SILLY and BOLD! It’s all about standing out from the crowd and letting my personality shine through in my business. This means…

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Editor’s Notebook 281

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy! What I’m Loving This Week Book I’m currently reading: Tea and Cake With Demons The Hidden Story Of Every Person. You never know what someone is going through. 6 Tips to…

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“That Won’t Work for Me.” Musician Edition

Today, we’re continuing my series “That Won’t Work for Me” focusing on different types of business owners and how my new program Goodbye 9-to-5 can help them earn a full-time income. Next up, musicians!  My client “Jasmine” loves attention, and her life is a one-woman show—literally! As a singer and all-around creative expressionist, she’s often booked at concerts and…

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3 Smart Ways to Beat Your Imposter Syndrome

I take pride in being authentically me in my business and personal life, and I encourage my clients to be true to themselves too. That’s why it might surprise you to hear I’m faking it! Yep, behind that confident, all-knowing, coachy persona is a shy little girl playing pretend, and it’s only a matter of…

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