This is Your Spiritual Awakening | All-New Freebies!

One of the best parts of running my own business is that I get to do it my way. While I help my clients earn more money and be more productive, I know none of this success would be possible without a little magic! I may be a Type A, high-strung go-getter, but I also see…

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Entrepreneur’s Edge Bundle | All-New Freebies!

I can remember how amazing it felt when I turned in my resignation letter and quit my final corporate job as a book editor nearly 15 year ago. Yes, it was super scary choosing to be a full-time entrepreneur, but it’s also been one of the BEST decisions I’ve ever made in my life. Nothing…

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Law of Attraction for Skeptics | 12 Days of Life Editing

My annual “12 Days of Life Editing” celebration is prancing onward with a winter wonderland of all-new video courses to enjoy. Today’s featured course is for anyone who’s too smart for their own good. Law of Attraction for Skeptics is a supercharged video course with easy, practical manifesting techniques to prove to yourself that you have the power…

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Short-and-Sweet Unicorn Mini Bundles! Self-Care and Wealth

I’ve always believed that good things come in small packages.  That’s probably because I’m only 5 feet tall, and it’s the first thing people notice about me. True, there are some disadvantages to being short: I have a child-sized desk for my home office, I can’t reach my kitchen cabinet shelves, and I get unusually…

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Get Excited! The Summer Bundles Are Now Available

OK, I’ll admit it. I’m hopeless when it comes to a good deal. A free gift with purchase? Awesome! Two for the price of one? Jackpot! Complementary upgrade? YES!!! Supersize me, baby! Maybe you like to spend your pennies wisely too? Well, you’re in for a treat because I’m jumping on the bandwagon and offering…

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5 Vision Board Mistakes and How to Fix ’em

On any Saturday night during my high school years, you could find me enjoying my favorite pastime. Going to football games? Shopping at the mall? Smooching at Lookout Point? Nope. I preferred holing up in my room cutting pictures from stacks of glossy magazines and pasting them on my notebooks. What can I say? I was…

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My Simple LAW OF ATTRACTION Morning Routine

How much you can get done and accomplish in a day is directly related to how you wake up in the morning. Those first few hours can make or break your mood, which then affects your motivation and willingness to do difficult tasks. On more than one occasion, I’ve woken up with a bad attitude,…

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