Here’s What It Takes to Become a Fitness Influencer
Starting a fitness or health business has become increasingly popular online in the last decade, and perhaps you’ve thought about being a fitness influencer.
If you want to change your career and make money from your love of being healthy, then take steps toward setting up your business to reach people all over the world.
Here’s what it takes to become a fitness influencer and turn it into a full time career.
Learn About Fitness
First, learn as much as you can about fitness before you start teaching your followers. You’ll likely encounter things through your research that will give you a better understanding of how to improve your health.
Don’t share advice if you don’t fully understand what you’re talking about and don’t have credible, scientific sources to back up your claims. Sharing misinformation about health and fitness is dangerous and could cause serious consequences for you and your followers.
Educate yourself as much as possible and continue to read and learn every day. Sharing your learning journey will endear your followers to you and build trust.
Understand Good Nutrition
Many people start their fitness journeys with the goal of losing weight. Eating a calorie deficit and burning more calories than you consume is the basis of fat loss. When you’re ready to build muscle, increase your protein consumption and lift heavy weights to maintain and grow your muscle tone.
Adapt your diet to your goals and share your decisions with your audience to be a good source of information for people making positive changes in their lives.
Watch Other Influencers
See what other fitness influencers are doing to attract their followers such as trying out fitness challenges like Keltie O’Connor. Find an influencer who has similar goals and take some inspiration from their videos, content, and personality without copying them exactly.
Get Fit
Build a workout program for yourself and a nutrition plan to get the best results. You can learn more about The Beachbody Company and other companies with expert workouts and food plans for you to get you started. Creating and sticking to a healthy routine will inspire you to design your own original workouts and meal plans.
Learn About Muscle Groups
Professional personal trainers look very different when compared to fitness influencers because professionals study the human body and how to get lean and strong for each muscle group. Educate yourself about muscles groups to set yourself apart from others who only have a surface-level health education.
Share Progress Photos
Sharing progress photos proves to your audience that your hard work is paying off. Over time, you’ll see huge changes in your body, and sharing your progress with your followers will help build trust in your method. Encourage your followers to share their progress photos with the community to make everyone feel connected and supported.
Be Honest and Vulnerable
Be honest with your followers if you make a mistake, and don’t hide the things that make you a real human being who deserves self-care and compassion. Sharing small moments of humanity with your audience is the best way to gain their trust because they’ll see you as a real person.
Encourage Healthy Habits
Share helpful tips for how to motivate yourself when you’re down or how to get back on track after a weekend of eating junk food. Show your followers that minor setbacks are fine and they can quickly return to their healthy habits.
Share Your Workouts
Be a good example to your followers and share a real-time workout so you can connect with them and prove that you’re willing to “walk your talk.” They’ll be more likely to be active when you’re being a good role model.
Share Your Recipes
Share healthy recipes your followers can add to their meal plan. Try recipe videos on your channel, do short form content on TikTok, and write a cook book so people can buy your recipes and use them in their everyday life.
Consider a Product Line
A product line (such as clothes, a planner, equipment, etc.) is a great way make money as a fitness influencer after you have large following. Your products advertise your brand anywhere in the world as people wear and use your items. This can be shirts and hoodies, fitness gear, cook books, and more. You’ll connect with the people in the community and reach more people who could become new followers.
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Dump your excuses, transform your habits, and become the most productive person you know.