Easy Email Sequences | Freebie Season Workshop

My Freebie Season celebration is rolling along with 5 all-new video workshops to focus your goals, organize your projects, and feel like a true leader . . . all for free. Today’s all-new free workshop is Easy Email Sequences. Us Life Editors are all about working smarter, not harder. That’s why I insist on “letting the robots do the…

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Be Safe Out There! A Warning About Bundles

We’re currently having an intense discussion in my client-only Facebook group, the Life Editor Awesome Party (LEAP!), about whether it’s usual for bundles and summits to charge an entry fee to participate. Psst! Purchase anything on my Everything Page to get an invite to our private group. Here’s the deal: No, it is very unusual to charge an entry…

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New Course! Make Money With Freebies: Give More to Earn More

Do you ever get déjà vu? Well, things are looking very familiar around here . . . Life Editor, here we go again. This month, I’m releasing 5 all-new digital courses to boost your motivation so you can achieve your big goals quickly and easily. It’s May Mojo Madness! In my defense, my goal is to have…

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The Unconventional Way I Earned My First $1000

I recently had the pleasure of appearing on the Business Power Hour podcast with business superstars Faith Mariah and Bonnie Wiscombe. We spilled the beans on how we each earned our first $1000 in our businesses. My transition from corporate book editor to life coach was ROUGH! But I committed myself to doing the things that other people are…

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The Inbox Influencer | New Unicorn Bundle Freebies!

There are a million ways to promote your business: blogging, social media, bundles, summits, videos, podcasts, speaking events, and more. But there’s one marketing tool that’s responsible for more than 90% of my income . . . EMAILS! Yep, my email subscriber list helps me nurture my followers, promote my offers, and enjoy daily sales for…

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