You’re Askin’ For It! All-New Course

One of the hardest things every business owner must learn to do is to stand in their power and ask for the sale. You know you have amazing offers for your clients, and it’s a disservice to them every time you trail off at the end of a call, have wimpy calls to action on your sales…

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Why You Must Stop Frankenstein-ing Your Business

One of the first business coaches I worked with had this knack for inspiring her clients to step up as the professional leaders they were meant to be.  Her advice motivated me to take big action before I felt “ready” and helped me reach and maintain 6-figures before my second year in business. For the longest time, I…

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New Content Added to “Vision Boards That Work”

Exciting new content was just added to “The Ultimate Guide to Vision Boards That Work” program, and it’s because of feedback from Life Editors like you. Thank you! This digital course was just updated with an all-new module containing a curated collection of manifesting tools and supplies to help you take your vision board to the next level!…

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Minimalism Without Deprivation | 12 Days of Life Editing

My annual “12 Days of Life Editing” celebration is prancing onward with a winter wonderland of all-new video courses to enjoy. Today’s featured course increases your happiness while decreasing unnecessary excess. Minimalism Without Deprivation helps you embrace minimalism in a way that fits your time, budget, and lifestyle so you can increase your happiness and find balance…

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Fix It Fast! What To Do When Your Plans Fail | 12 Days of Life Editing

My annual “12 Days of Life Editing” celebration is prancing onward with a winter wonderland of all-new video courses to enjoy. Today’s featured course is for anyone who’s tired of failing to achieve big goals. So, all of us!  Fix It Fast! What To Do When Your Plans Fail is your step-by-step guide to figure out what…

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Habit Change for Busy People | 12 Days of Life Editing

This week, my Goodbye 9-to-5 members and I were choosing our “words of the year” to motivate and inspire us all year long. What’s my word for 2024? It’s one of my favorites . . . MORE! I want more happiness, more friendships, more money, more excitement, more creativity, more vacations, and more fun. One of…

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