Editor’s Notebook 207

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy!
What I’m Loving This Week
“Richard” by Hyperbole and a Half. One of my favorite comic artists is back with a new book! Check out this hilarious excerpt.
10 strategies to read more books. I often think my life would be happier if I could get through my TBR list faster.
A Universal Formula for Doing Big Things. Love this! MVMs, tiny edits, mini habits, atomic habits, or whatever you call them are the only way I make progress.
5 Self-Destructive Habits of Chronically Unhappy People. You are responsible for your own happiness.
This Is Mine: The Only 7 Things You Can Control in Life. A great reminder to stop struggling to change things that are out of our control.
How to Allow Mindful Goal-Setting to Change Your Life. Hint: try a smaller to-do list.
10 Fascinating Words About Words. As a former book editor, this quirky list had me laughing out loud.
5 Simple Tricks to Build Better Habits. Timeless advice for anyone who’s struggling to become a better version of themselves.
Feeling Unproductive? It May Be Because You’re Lonely: Here’s What To Do. Reach out for some connection this week and watch your whole outlook change.
7 Overlooked Signs You’re Living an Extraordinary Life. You’re not doing so bad after all.
16 Feelings Only People Who Love Bookstores Will Appreciate. It’s my happy place!
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