From Chaos to Control Bundle | Plus Coaching Freebies!

I’m a normal human being (I promise, I am!), and that means I fall prey to many of the same bad habits as my clients. But I love my work too much to cut back on my goals! Thankfully, I’ve learned some tricks to manage all the nuttiness, and today I’m sharing an all-new bundle to…

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Editor’s Notebook 307

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy! What I’m Loving This Week Your Horoscope for the Year of the Dragon. Happy Lunar New Year! How The Top 1% Control Themselves Without Using Any Effort. I love this! Break…

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5 Ways to Increase Your Job Satisfaction

Are you feeling unsatisfied with your current job? Do you find yourself daydreaming about finding the perfect career? Job dissatisfaction is at an all-time high with over 60% of people are currently unhappy with their career or current job role. While finding the ideal job may not be immediately possible, there are ways to increase…

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Craving Freedom? Set More Boundaries!

When I first started my life coaching business, I was desperate to get sales. My day job as a book editor had me at the brink of burnout, and I knew I could quit that job if I made enough money through coaching. So, I scheduled as many client calls as possible. Any day. Any time. I…

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How to Double Your Income By Christmas

When I think about it, I really do admire Santa Claus.  He has a pretty sweet job, amiright? He brings joy to kids (and the young at heart) all over the world. He hangs out with a bunch of magical animals. His entire team believes in his mission. His commute is an absolute nightmare, but…

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A Simple Guide to Self-Development

It might seem like everyone has a perfect life except you, and they’re constantly showing it off on social media. This comparison can make you feel bad about yourself and wonder if you’ll ever be that happy and successful too. But anyone can have a great life with a little effort. Here are a few…

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