Sprint to Cash With Me | Plus Coaching Freebies!

Get your buns in gear, Life Editor! We’re not going to spend the rest of this month sitting on our tushies like a bunch of lazy lumps. Instead, you and I are gonna rock out the next few weeks serving our clients and filling our bank accounts. Let’s do this! My friend Val Selby is…

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Just Call Me The No-Niche Bitch

This week, I reached my goal of participating in 50 bundles and summits in 2024. Woo hoo!  It’s thrilling to accomplish a big goal (especially 7 and a half months early), and I shared my milestone in several Facebook groups for entrepreneurs. In one of the groups, we had a discussion about how I could…

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Editor’s Notebook 305

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy! What I’m Loving This Week Handwriting Strengthens Brain Connections and Boosts Learning More Than Tapping on a Keyboard. This is why I tell my clients to write by hand. I Gave…

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Remember: You’re Not For Everyone | 3-Month Challenge

I recently saw a thread in a business Facebook group I’m in where the members were discussing how often you should participate in bundles and summits. This immediately piqued my interest because one of my goals for 2024 is to be in 50 bundles or summits, and I’m already confirmed for nearly 40 events. The…

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Weird Things I Do For My 6-Figure Business | Your Booked Out Year

I’m honored to be a featured speaker for Your Booked Out Year, a 4-day virtual event (January 22-25) specifically for service providers who want to sell more of their offers to people they want to work with, in a way that feels good to them.  Join me and 20 online business experts who actually understand the ins and outs of serviced-based…

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