Editor’s Notebook 137

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy!

What I’m Loving This Week

How Technicolor Changed Movies. A fascinating look at color on the silver screen.

Childfree Is A Legitimate Choice. Thankfully, I’m old enough that people have stopped asking “when” I’ll have kids. I’m a fully realized human being without needing to be a mother.

The Sunday Scaries are a Real Thing—and Here’s How to Manage Them. Do you dread the end of the weekend?

Just Reading Over Your To-Do List Can Make You More Productive. Making a list…checking it twice…

These Organization Hacks Will Leave You With A Clean Home By The Year’s End. “Don’t organize junk!”

Tips for Starting a Family Holiday Tradition. Keep it simple and consistent.

Red Apron. A hilarious parody of those meal delivery services. Would you really eat animals if you had to kill them yourself?

Unfriending: A sign of immaturity or of growth? You don’t need random Facebook friends. Who really cares about you in the real world?

How to Deal When the Holidays Aren’t Exactly Happy. Give yourself permission to be sad at the end of the year.

Your 9-Step Guide To Recharging This Holiday Season. Put down the phone and pick up the cookies.

How To Change The Story In Your Head That’s Stopping You From Succeeding. Do your good work and ignore everything else.

Dog Jealously Watches Its Owner Pet A Fake Dog, Finally Snaps. Yeah, I feel that way too when I’m not getting enough attention.

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