14 Easy Ways to READ MORE BOOKS in 2022

OK, I’ll admit it. I really let myself go in 2020.
The worldwide health crisis aggravated my anxiety, I lost a third of my income by not hosting in-person retreats, and I spent most of the year eating pizza on the couch while watching the Lord of the Rings.
But 2021 was my year to shine! And we love a great comeback, amiright?
I must have been hit by some pixie dust because this year I launched new products, recouped my moolah (and then some!), and reignited my coaching mojo.
My string of wins continues this week because I promised to do my annual 12 Days of Life Editing video series that I had blown off last year.
Sound the trumpets and throw the confetti because the celebration starts NOW!
The 12 Days of Life Editing series is where I share life editing nuggets of wisdom as we count down the days until Christmas.
Watch the DAY 1 video to learn 14 easy ways to read more books in 2022.
In This Video
- My secret technique that helps me read 3 books a week (with sticky notes!).
- Why book snobs have no power over your reading goals.
- How to find a compromise between social media and reading.
Click here subscribe to my YouTube channel for all the videos.
Time Stamps
0:00 Intro
1:25 Make a list and get excited.
1:55 Choose a specific goal.
2:19 Visually track your progress.
2:43 Chunk down with tags.
3:33 All types of books count.
3:59 Borrow from the library.
4:16 Buy outlet books.
4:49 Join a book club.
5:06 Read during waiting times.
5:34 Use a timer.
6:02 Swap out your social media.
6:32 Read in the morning.
6:47 Read at night.
7:12 Quit a book!
7:34 Your homework
Mentioned In This Video
- Life Editor Reading Challenge free printable worksheet
- Thanks for the Feedback
- Life Editor Academy
- Save $5 off your Book Outlet order
- Miracle Morning
- Life Editor Clubhouse
- Edit My Life Planner

The Editor’s Toolkit
- Free Workshop: 3 Simple Steps to Become a Productivity Superstar
- 25+ Printable Worksheets
- 6 Life Editing Ebooks
- My Favorite Books and Resources