Posts Tagged ‘library’
Editor’s Notebook 300
The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy! What I’m Loving This Week A door at a Swedish library was accidentally left open. Such a lovely story! Book people are my kind of people. The first nine minutes. A…
Read MoreWhy I Quit Using the Public Library . . . and Why I Went Back
Today, we’re talking about something near and dear to my heart . . . the public library! Specifically, why I stopped using the public library for more than a decade and why I came back to it. I’m sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly, so grab a cup of tea and settle in…
Read More14 Easy Ways to READ MORE BOOKS in 2022
OK, I’ll admit it. I really let myself go in 2020. The worldwide health crisis aggravated my anxiety, I lost a third of my income by not hosting in-person retreats, and I spent most of the year eating pizza on the couch while watching the Lord of the Rings. But 2021 was my year to shine!…
Read MoreCheck Out the New Additions to the Library
This week I cleaned up the Library and added a bunch of new additions. It was a messy job, but now it sparkles beautifully. 🙂 What’s the Library? The Library is your cozy, quiet den for finding information and answers for your specific life editing needs. You can be as loud as you like because…
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