20 Content Ideas For Your Email Newsletter

Recently, I’ve been more vocal about encouraging my clients to send more emails. Before you freak out, I’m not saying you should email your list every day like I do (but hey, imagine what that would do for your bottom line!). But even going from 1 email per week to 2 emails per week will…

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Booksmas In July! Freebies for Authors and Readers

I’m excited to share that for the next 24 hours, as part of Bookmas in July, you can download my course Write Like an Editor: Content Creation Masterclass FOR FREE (regularly $97). But act fast—my course is only available TODAY! Sign up for Booksmas In July here. From July 1-31, 2024, we’re celebrating Christmas a little early with daily free…

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I Blew Up My TBR! End-of-Year Reading Goals

Not to be dramatic, but I blew up my TBR! In my defense, it had to be done. If you’ve been following my videos, then you know my goal was to read 100 books in 2023. Well, I’ve already accomplished that goal and have read 102 books with 2 months left to spare. That’s 25,253…

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My 3-Hour Workday—Steal My Routine!

I remember the first time I realized my workday is a lot shorter than most people. A few years ago during one of my in-person retreats, my clients were struggling with finding the time in their schedules to work on their goals. That last one made me pause. “Wait, how many hours a day do…

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Choose Your Own Adventure With Goodbye 9-to-5!

Do you remember those children’s books from the 80s and 90s called “Choose Your Own Adventure”?  You would start reading the book and then be presented with a decision to make on the last page of chapter 1. Choice A might take you to page 13 and Choice B might take you to page 78. As…

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Reading Sprints | Relaxing Day at Home | The Little Book of Self-Care

Today we’re trying something a little different. It’s National Book Lovers Day, so I thought you and I could read together during a relaxing day at home.  I’ve seen other book-tubers post “reading sprints” videos where they simply read in different locations while a timer counts down. These calming videos give you a chance to catch…

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Introducing Sage’s Pages! Watch My New YouTube Channel

A few days ago when I explained the new direction for my content, I figured there would be some hurt feelings. People like what they like, even if trying to please everyone was making my YouTube channel a jumbled-up mess . . . and causing my head to explode. That’s why it was such a surprise that most…

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