Editor’s Notebook 303

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy!

What I’m Loving This Week

24 Ways Less Will Be More in ‘24. I love these practical minimalism tips. You might want to check out my Minimalism Without Deprivation course for more ideas.

Tips for Your “24 for 2024” List. For those of us who want a low-pressure bucket list.

6 Daily Habits That Will Improve Your Happiness in 10 Days. You don’t need a lot of time or money to vastly improve your life.

Living More Intentionally by Thinking Less. You’ll be happier when you’re not constantly distracting yourself.

How to Build Emotional Strength for Maximum Confidence. Let this be the year you embrace being the best YOU.

99 Things Money Can’t Buy. Great reminders for when you’re feeling stuck.

How to Prioritize Tasks: 7 Powerful Frameworks for Prioritization. So may good ideas for getting stuff done no matter how your mind works.

What would happen if you did these things every day for thirty days? Positive change is more about small consistent effort than big random effort.

The perfect conditions. You don’t need perfection to achieve success.

15 Self-Help Books People Actually Swear By. Add these to your TBR (to be read) list ASAP!

3 Simple Steps to Become a Productivity Superstar

Dump your excuses, transform your habits, and become the most productive person you know.