You’re Askin’ For It! All-New Course
One of the hardest things every business owner must learn to do is to stand in their power and ask for the sale.
You know you have amazing offers for your clients, and it’s a disservice to them every time you trail off at the end of a call, have wimpy calls to action on your sales pages, or leave them hanging with no next steps at the end of a course.
It’s time to be brave and get your solutions into the hands of the people who need them!
Today, I’m sharing an all-new course to help you kindly lead your clients and customers to make a purchase that can get them the positive outcomes they want.
You’re Askin’ For It is a bold, confidence-boosting mega course to help you learn how to own your worth, be brave, and ask for the sale so you get paid and your clients get the best results.
The course is more than 4 HOURS LONG and is my biggest training ever!
This course has the most quotable moments of any other program:
- “People remember how you made them feel.”
- “A starving artist helps no one.”
- “People don’t have to prove they’re worthy of your help by opening their wallets.”
- “Price for sales, not ego.”
- “Meet them where they’re at.”
- And many more Sage-isms!
In This Course You’ll Learn
- Why service providers find it so difficult to ask for the sale even when they know they have the solutions their clients desperately need.
- How to avoid common sleazy sales tactics that cause your potential clients to run in the opposite direction.
- Done-for-you call scripts and sales page templates to make it easy to ask for the sale no matter what kind of business you run.
- 20+ compassionate sales techniques that honor your time and effort while gently leading your clients to the next step of their journey.
Ready to ask for the sale?
Click here to get You’re Askin’ For It!
How to Double Your Income In 12 Weeks
How to make BIG money with your business faster than you ever thought possible.