On-Camera Confidence | Freebie Season Workshop

My Freebie Season celebration is rolling along with 5 all-new video workshops to focus your goals, organize your projects, and feel like a true leader . . . all for free. Today’s all-new free workshop is On-Camera Confidence. Sure, I might be a peppy extrovert who loves being on camera, but most of my clients are introverts who struggle…

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Get Cozy With The Love To Be Home Bundle | All-New Freebies!

Sometimes one of my clients will show up to a coaching call feeling completely unmotivated. She’s sluggish and bored and could really use a pick-me-up. Thankfully, I’ve found a super effective way to get your mojo back no matter how burned out you’re feeling—clean up you’re environment! Now before you roll your eyes, you should…

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The Confident Visibility Summit 2024 | Watch Me Embarrass Myself

I recently recorded the worst summit video I’ve ever done. My groundskeeper started leaf blowing right outside my window for half of the recording. And then some weird animated birthday balloons floated around the screen when I was gesturing with my hands. Here’s the funny part: the name of my summit session is “On-Camera Confidence.”…

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Total Reset Plan: Edit Your Whole Life Fast (All New!)

The May Mojo Madness celebration is rolling along with 5 all-new digital courses to boost your motivation so you can achieve your big goals quickly and easily. Today’s all-new course is Total Reset Plan. Total Reset Plan is a focused and intense video course to help you recognize the signs you need a reset before you burn…

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6 Business Tools That Are Worth the Investment | Level Up Your Biz!

When you’re first starting your business, every penny counts. You probably don’t have a lot of money saved to spend on fancy equipment or expensive software. You’ve got to stretch every dollar to get your products and services in front of the people who desperately need your solutions. And that’s OK! I’ve seen plenty of…

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What To Do When You Come Into Unexpected Money

Not everyone is fortunate to come into unexpected money; however, it does happen for some lucky people. This unexpected money could be a lottery winning or an inheritance from a loved one. With any windfall, it’s important to review what you have, what you’ve come into, and how best to use that money for improving…

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