You Asked For It! 2023 Life Editor Reader Survey Results

The results are in from my 2023 Life Editor Reader Survey!
Big thanks to those of you who completed the survey and gave me valuable feedback about my content, coaching, digital courses, and more.
Here are the highlights . . .
I offer a lot of free content. Which content type is your favorite?
- 25% Videos
- 3.1% Written Blog Posts
- 15.6% Email Newsletter
- 25% Worksheets
- 15.6% Ebooks and Planners
- 12.5% Recommended books, tools, resources, etc.
- 3.2% Other
Do you watch my videos on my YouTube channel?
- 25% Yes, I watch most of them.
- 50% Yes, but only some of them.
- 9.4% No, I rarely watch your videos.
- 15.6% No, I have never watched your videos.
How often do you want content from me? (TOP ANSWERS)
- Daily Monday – Friday with a mix of videos and written content.
- Once a week with a big newsletter recapping everything I missed.
- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday would be perfect.
What topics interest you the most? (TOP ANSWERS)
- General productivity and getting stuff done.
- Implementing and actually DOING the things you plan.
- Time management and different kinds of scheduling.
Do you have your own business?
- 43.8% Yes
- 18.8% No
- 37.4% Not yet, but I might start one in the future.
What I’m Changing Going Forward
The biggest change is that I’m scaling back from daily emails and videos to just Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
The top answers were on completely different ends of the spectrum, so I’m meeting you at the halfway point. This will either please most of you or infuriate most of you, but at least I’m less likely to burn myself out.
I’m also theming my newsletters and content:
- Motivation Monday for all the best productivity tips and tricks.
- Wealth Wednesday for business and marketing strategies.
- Fun Fridays for 5-day challenges and random weirdness.
What do you think of these changes?
Please send an email to if you have any content ideas you want me to cover in upcoming videos and blog posts.
Thanks again for the feedback, Life Editors!

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