Question of the Week: What One Thing Would Make Your Life Easier?
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the dozens of things we wish we could change in our lives.
But sometimes one single thing can an enormous difference across many areas. I recently shared how one of my clients discovered she could save hours of time and stress by hiring a housekeeper. Plus, she gets extra time to snuggle her kids and husband.
And yesterday I spoke with another woman who found a completely free way to improve her health, get to the office on time, finish more projects faster, and have tons of energy for her family. What was her one change? She moved her bedtime an hour earlier. It’s amazing how getting enough sleep can change everything!
Now think about your current situation. What one thing could make your life easier and more enjoyable?
Here are some ideas: clean up at night, use a no-brainer to-do list, take a nap, take a vacation, or find the lost minutes in your day.
The one thing you choose doesn’t have to be something huge like buying a house. In fact, one thing that makes my life easier is…a hug from someone I love. Everything is easier when you know someone cares.
OK, and honestly, a cup of coffee works wonders too.
In the comments below, share the one thing that would make your life easier.
PS, Tiny Tip Thursday will return! I’m mapping out the next few bite-sized videos, so stay tuned. Thank you for those of you who asked what had happened. Good to know you like the short and sweet videos. 🙂
Click here to watch my past Tiny Tip Thursday videos.
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I’d surprise you but forme it was adding one ‘activity’ to everyday routine. I switched my alarm 10 minutes earlier and gave this 10 minutes to hugs. Literally. My hubby and I (we’re fortunate to wake up at the same time) start morning with switching sleep position, hug each other and say ‘hello’ to upcoming day. Often we discuss how exciting the upcoming day would be or simply lay there.
I had troubles waking up even though morning is my fave time of the day. but stealing 10 minutes from sleep became my key to feel more energetic.
Going to be on time (she write at almost midnight!).
Oh, yes! Getting enough sleep would make a big difference for almost everyone I know. Good luck! 🙂