Life Editor’s Picks: Delete Your Clutter
One of the biggest problems Life Editors face is the accumulation of clutter.
We’re drawn to gadgets, office supplies, and organizers that promise to create order in our jumbly rough draft lives.
I’ve certainly fallen victim to the mentality that maybe this gizmo will solve my problems and make me a productivity superhero. More often than not, the new thing-a-ma-bob winds up gathering dust in a corner.
This is also why Step 2 of the Life Editing Process, Delete Bad Influences, gives us the biggest, most-noticeable results. You can instantly feel the weight lift off your shoulders when you finally declutter a messy junk drawer or overflowing closest.
I’m not saying you should go out and buy a truckload of organizers and plastic boxes. But I’ve found some items that really do help control the clutter and keep my home from becoming a disaster area.
Here are my picks to help you delete your clutter.
1. Pink Super Stacked Desk Organizer. I don’t know how people can function without a desk organizer to corral all their stuff.
2. Rainbow 9-Drawer Unit. Calling all crafters! This ingenious stack of divided drawers is perfect for holding washi tape, paper clips, and other tiny odds and ends. Because no one wants to step on a lost thumbtack.
3. Lose the Clutter, Lose the Weight. An intriguing book about how your environment affects your health and weight.
4. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It’s still a best-seller for a reason. I regularly assign this book to my Life Editor Academy ladies for our monthly book club.
5. Underwear Organizer. My dresser was a hot mess before I got these canvas dividers. Saves me time getting ready in the morning.
6. Striped Canvas Storage Bin with Handles. Use this handy bin for irregularly shaped objects, dirty laundry, or extra blankets and pillows. Looks pretty too!
7. Candy Striper Minimergency Kit. This little wonder is ideal for streamlining your medicine cabinet.
8. Magnetic Earphone Winder. Another entry in the “why didn’t I think of that” category. Never tangle your earphones again.
9. Locking Filing Cabinets. I have these same file cabinets in my office and I love them!
Ready to Delete Your Clutter?
If you need help cleaning up your environment, join the Life Editor Clubhouse membership site for several classes specifically designed for clutter busting.
- Clean Up Your Clutter will teach you where that sneaky clutter is hiding and how you can clean it up to get your mojo back!
- Overcome Your Resistance will teach you to ditch your excuses and ignore the voices in your head that want you to be lazy and play small.
CLICK HERE to join the Life Editor Clubhouse to watch these classes plus dozens more.
This post focuses on Step 3 of the Life Editing Process, Delete Bad Influences. For more about life editing and what it can do for you, click here.
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Dump your excuses, transform your habits, and become the most productive person you know.