Posts Tagged ‘deleting’
Minimalism Without Deprivation | 12 Days of Life Editing
My annual “12 Days of Life Editing” celebration is prancing onward with a winter wonderland of all-new video courses to enjoy. Today’s featured course increases your happiness while decreasing unnecessary excess. Minimalism Without Deprivation helps you embrace minimalism in a way that fits your time, budget, and lifestyle so you can increase your happiness and find balance…
Read MoreThank You Week Day 5: Intentional Weekends Workshop Freebie
It’s Day 5 of my “Thank You Week” annual celebration. Today’s freebie is Restore Your Energy With Intentional Weekends, a mini video workshop with easy ways to structure your weekends for maximum self-care, happiness, and joy. No more numbing out on the couch watching reruns! 5 Days of Freebies Continues With More Goodies! TODAY’S FREEBIE: Intentional Weekends Workshop…
Read MoreFace Your Fears With These Terror-ific Freebies
In honor of spooky season, I’ve been gobbling up books, movies, and other pieces of content designed to send a chill down my spine. It’s fun intentionally scaring ourselves, but what about those other unwanted demons? Maybe you’re dealing with common fears such as imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs, resistance, and self-doubt. As they say in scary…
Read MoreYou Down With OPP? It’s Not What You Think!
Back in the 1990s when I was a teenager, there was a hip hop song called “OPP” that was incredibly vulgar . . . so naturally, it became wildly popular. The catchy hook went, “You down with OPP? Yeah, you know me!” I’ll spare you the details of what OPP means in the song, but today…
Read MoreEditor’s Notebook 286
The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy! What I’m Loving This Week Currently Reading: In a Holidaze New On The Blog How You Spend Your Morning Matters. Great tips for starting your day off right. How Overcoming a “Scarcity…
Read MoreLife Editor Weekend is ALL INCLUSIVE for August 2023 Retreat!
When you put yourself out there as a “public figure,” you open yourself up to all kinds of feedback and criticism. With more than 30,000 followers across social media and on my email subscriber list, it’s inevitable that I get comments from trolls and haters. Here’s some of the colorful feedback I’ve received: Yeah, sometimes…
Read MoreGet Stuff Done! 3 Quick Fixes for To-Do List Overwhelm
Whenever my life feels totally disorganized, I write a fresh to-do list. It might take a while to gather up all the bits of paper, sticky notes, and tasks hastily scribbled on napkins or envelopes, but nothing compares to that sense of relief when everything is rewritten clearly in a single spot. A to-do list…
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