How to Stop Feeling Embarrassed By Your Business | Fear of Looking Stupid

In honor of Halloween, today we’re talking about something really scary . . .
Business marketing!
More specifically, how to accept the hard truth that YOU must be front and center in your promotions. Yep, that means showing your face for all to see.
Here’s your dose of tough love: you’re the face of your business whether you like it or not.
Your customers aren’t buying your product or service. They’re buying YOU. As a coach, I’m well aware that there are thousands of other coaches selling the exact same things I am.
But people work with me because they like me. Quirkiness and all.
It’s not about being narcissistic, but about showing my potential clients that I’m a real person who can help solve their problems, not some faceless robot.
Many of my clients struggle with accepting the role as the face of their businesses, but you’ll never reach the level of success you want until you step into the light.
Watch this video to learn how to stop feeling embarrassed by your business.
It’s “Face Your Fear” Month, and I’m sharing my best tactics to help you reach your goals despite your fears, worries, and self-doubts.
Previously in the series:
- 7 Steps to Get Your First Sales in the Next 7 Days | Fear of Taking Action
- How to Transition From Side Hustle to Full-Time Business | Fear of Success
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