New Live Stream | Triple Your Traffic: Get More Eyes on Your Products

We have so much to celebrate, Life Editor! We recently got more than 300 members in my client-only Facebook Group, the Life Editor Awesome Party (LEAP!). As I’m typing this, we’re almost at 375 members. Woo hoo! Purchase anything on my Everything Page to get an invitation to the group. So, we’re acknowledging this milestone by having a new…

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Thank You Week Day 4: 52 Weeks of Business Boosts

It’s Day 4 of my “Thank You Week” annual celebration. Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who are celebrating today! Today’s freebie is 52 Weeks of Business Boosts, a yearlong email series with fun mini challenges to help you work faster, earn more, and provide an elite-level experience for your customers. 5 Days of Freebies Continues With More…

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Unraveling the Mystery of Scalability for Your Business

Scalability can be a mysterious subject with many misconceptions and unknowns. Because scalability is such a complex topic, it may be hard to comprehend without adequate guidance. Let’s unravel that mystery with all the information you need to help your website or application achieve scalability. What is Scalability? Scalability is the capacity of a system…

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How to Make Your New Niche Blog a Huge Success

You just launched your new niche blog, and you’re eager to share your content with the world. But before you publish your first post, there are a few things you should do to set yourself up for success. Take the time to plan and prepare your blog before you launch so you’ll be in a…

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“That Won’t Work for Me.” Membership Site Edition

Today, we’re continuing my series “That Won’t Work for Me” focusing on different types of business owners and how my new program Goodbye 9-to-5 can help them earn a full-time income. Next up, membership sites!  My client “Wendy” is person with great big ideas. I really admire that about her. She’s always dreaming up new ways to give her…

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Why “Set It and Forget It” Won’t Work for You

Remember those infomercials from the 90s for the rotisserie oven that was so user friendly you could just “set it and forget it”? Here’s a visual reminder if you weren’t raised by the TV like me: “Set it and forget it” was quite the catchphrase in my middle school, and we imagined how great it…

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