Fire Your Boss! You Know You Want To

It’s said that people don’t quit jobs, they quit bad managers.
That’s certainly been true for me. A great team of coworkers who value and respect you can make a less-than-ideal working situation bearable.
But a bad manager can make every day feel like a nightmare. Not only that, but you can’t enjoy your weekends or time off because you’re dreading returning to work.
Here are some of the bad bosses that made me quit:
- The one who shouted at me across the conference table during a full department meeting saying, “No one wants to hear your opinion!”
- The one who made me so sick with anxiety that I got physically ill on the drive to work every day.
- The one who said they chose me to manage the booths at the monthly book fairs not because of my knowledge of the material or my sales expertise, but because I was “the pretty one.”
I bet you have some horror stories too. You probably heard tales from your mom, grandma, and friends about how they put up with bad bosses because “that’s just the way it is.”
But what if it didn’t have to be this way?
What if you didn’t need to stay at that job with the monster manager because you’re earning a full-time income with your business?
Then you’re in control and can tell your nasty boss you’re not putting up with the BS anymore!
Your time and mental health are too important to spend the day hiding in the break room to avoid Bosszilla.
Ready to fire your boss? You know you want to.
NOTE: Beta pricing ends on September 5, 2022, so don’t delay if this is what you’ve been waiting for.
In just 12 weeks, you’ll clean up your messy business, promote one streamlined offer, and earn a full-time income faster than you ever thought possible.

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How to make BIG money with your business faster than you ever thought possible.