Editor’s Notebook 267

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy!

What I’m Loving This Week

Book I’m currently reading: An oldie but goodie! Perfect for refreshing your business marketing.

10 Things to Do If You’re Tired All The Time. How to bounce back when the weight on the world is dragging you down.

8 Counterintuitive Things To Do On Sunday For A Better Week. Your most productive week ever actually starts on the weekend.

11 Tips to Help You Spend $100 or Less on Groceries Each Week. Little changes can help you save big.

Become Your New Habit. Shift your whole persona.

Detox Your Doomscrolling: 9 Benefits of Starting a Social Media Cleanse. Because everything’s awful right now.

There are just 10 basic values. What do you prioritize in your life?

6 Every Day Habits That Make You Less Likable. Eek! Are you doing any of these things?

Here’s A List Of Jedi Mind Tricks That Will Make You Invincible. You have more control over a situation than you think you do.

The Difference Between Busy and Non-Busy People. Which one are you?

6 Common ‘Rules’ That Keep You From Letting Go of Things (and a Few Good Reasons to Break Them). It’s time for a total life decluttering.

3 Simple Steps to Become a Productivity Superstar

Dump your excuses, transform your habits, and become the most productive person you know.