Editor’s Notebook 236

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy!
What I’m Loving This Week
11 Curious Facts About Books & Authors. Fun bookish tidbits.
We’re All Paying for Someone Else’s 4-Hour Work Week, Not Ours. Wow, someone finally laid out the argument against Tim Ferriss.
Feeling overwhelmed? You need an MVD (Minimum Viable Day). You don’t have to be a superstar all the time. What’s the smallest task that moves you closer to your goals?
9 Signs That Your Body Is Chronically Stressed. Let this be your wakeup call.
5 Life-Changing Pieces of Advice I Would Give to My Younger Self. My favorite tip: don’t run away from discomfort.
The Super Simple End-of-the-Day Hack That Makes Every Morning More Productive. Love this! Don’t quit before you make a plan for what’s next.
Four Things People Overcomplicate in Life. If you wait for things to be perfect, you’ll be waiting forever.
The Simple Tweaks That Can Increase Your Workout Motivation. Not every loves exercising, but you can make it slightly more appealing.
How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself at Work. You might be your own worst enemy.
I Used to Be Extremely Lazy, Now I’m Always Motivated. Stay curious and follow your passion.
Let’s Connect
- The Edit My Life Planner will help you get more done in the next 12 weeks than you did in the past 12 months.
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My Favorites
- Book Outlet, save $10 off your first order
- Picmonkey, save 17% when you sign up for my favorite online photo editor
- Kajabi, start your free trial of this all-in-one platform for entrepreneurs
- Book Like a Boss, start your free trial for this beautiful and user-friendly scheduling app for coaches and consultants
- Epidemic Sound, start your free trial for the best music for YouTube videos
- Passion Planner, save $5 off your first purchase
- Trello, free elegant project management app
- Beaver Builder, my favorite WordPress page builder