Add Some Play to Your Day!

Today I’m linking up with my friend Andrea at DreAm heART sMart ArT for her blog challenge. The prompt is “playfulness.”

I don’t want to alarm you, but you seem to have lost something.

No, not your keys. They’re next to your purse. And not your mind either, although some days it might feel that way.

What you’re missing in your life is a bit of playfulness.

It seems like when you reach a certain age or level of maturity, all the playfulness drains right outta your life.

Thankfully, I didn’t get that memo.

Playfulness isn’t reserved for those under age 10. It’s for all of us who are still young at heart! Life should be fun…or else, what’s the point?

Just because you’re an adult, that doesn’t mean you have to act humorless and “adult-like” all the time.

As the Joker would say, “Why so serious?” It’s time to add some play to your day!

Playful Family

  • When you come home to find the living room littered with your kids’ toys, don’t be grumpy and demand they pick up the mess immediately. Make cleaning a game! Turn on some music and have your kids race to clean up the room before the end of the song.
  • Institute a weekly Family Game Night. Bring out all your board games, multi-player video games, and anything else that encourages playful teamwork. Share a big bowl of popcorn and enjoy the bonding time.
  • Your food can be playful too! Make breakfast for dinner or set up an ice cream sundae bar (don’t forget the sprinkles!).

Playful Friends

  • Grab your best girlfriend and head to the mall, but this time leave your credit cards at home. The only thing you’ll be charging up is your imaginations! Pick a pretend event such as “dinner at the White House” or “cruise to the Bahamas.” As you walk through the shops, point to anything that you’d like to have on your pretend adventure. It’s a more playful way to window shop.
  • Start a book club that focuses on books those snooty, elitist book clubs would never choose. How about memoirs by reality TV stars, teenage romance, or dessert cookbooks? Bring the fun back to reading.
  • Invite everyone over for a slumber party! Who cares if you haven’t had a sleepover since 1995? Rent a bunch of chick flicks, order pizza, tell stories, play games, dance around, and celebrate girl power!

Playful Work

  • All work and no play makes for a dreary professional life. Treat yourself to some fun office supplies in bright, playful colors. I love Erin Condren’s planners and notebooks.
  • Listen to upbeat music or a funny audiobook while you work. And if you wear headphones, no one needs to know you’re jamming to Justin Bieber while typing up your expense report.
  • If you don’t like your job or are dealing with office bullies, it’s time to kick your imagination into overdrive. When I had a terrible job, I pretended that I actually had the best job in the world, and I acted accordingly. I walked in every morning with a big smile on my face, I dove into my work as if it were super interesting, and I showered those bullies with kindness. Use the law of attraction to your advantage. If you believe you’re in a positive work situation, you’ll attract positive outcomes to you (perhaps a new job?).

Playful You

  • Get rid of your boring granny panties and splurge on some cute undies in pretty colors. No one will know you’re wearing pink polka dot underwear, but you’ll feel happier and playful all day.
  • Remember when you were a kid and makeup seemed so magical and mysterious? Have some fun with your makeup routine! Watch a few “how to” beauty videos on YouTube or buy an eyeshadow or lipstick in a color you’ve never tried before.
  • Stop wearing the same outfits over and over. Take some time to remix the items in your wardrobe into new, exciting outfits. Everyone loves a makeover!

How do you add play to your day? What’s your favorite way to be playful?

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  1. Esther on December 13, 2012 at 2:12 am

    Hi Sage, this is funny and playfull! 🙂 I”ll think I”ll try the polka-dot underwear tip :-D.

    • Sage Grayson on December 13, 2012 at 7:31 am

      Yes! Our underwear should be playful too. 🙂

  2. Dreamheartsmartart on December 13, 2012 at 12:06 am

    Dear Sage- you and your husband look fabulous ( and Minnie and Daisy too!). I love your post and I will just start with the food idea with my little ones.

    Have you been in Disney Wold in Paris? If not then this is THE thing to do in 2013- combining with a honeymoon, Paris the city of love. I lived there for 3 yars so if you need some tipps- just get in touch. Will you be part for the next challenge on december 24th? The topic will be “bliss” . Love and happy dancing, Andrea

    • Sage Grayson on December 13, 2012 at 7:30 am

      Hi Andrea! I haven’t been to Disney in Paris yet. I would love to go! I’ve been to the park in Florida many times. Yes, I will be participating in the challenge on the 24th. Hope you’re having a playful week! 🙂

  3. xvavaveganx on December 10, 2012 at 12:30 pm

    Aww I love this post! I love how you were even playful in the writing 🙂 I agree with Molly, it’s so sad when people take themselves so seriously! It’s funny because one of my new favorite things to say lately is “it’s not that serious.”

    I love all of your suggestions! I’ve been saying for a long time that I want to be more experimental and playful with makeup so I really want to get onto Youtube and play! I also wanted to play with hair styles too and get better at that.

    Great post!

    • Sage Grayson on December 11, 2012 at 9:26 am

      Thanks, Sarah! People are way too serious these days, and they don’t need to be. YouTube is awesome. I like watching beauty videos, organizing videos, and anything Disney. 🙂

  4. Molly on December 10, 2012 at 3:40 am

    Such a fun post, and so true! We all need fun in each day. 🙂 Mike and I get really goofy every day, so much sometimes that our co-workers give us strange looks. I think it’s sad when people are so serious all of the time. That’s no way to live!

    • Sage Grayson on December 11, 2012 at 9:27 am

      Thanks, Molly! If you’re getting weird looks, that means you’re doing it right! Chris and I like to be silly together and quote lines from TV shows like The Simpsons.