Link Roundup: Hug Your Loved Ones
I am deeply saddened by the shootings in Newtown, Connecticut this past Friday, as I’m sure you are as well.
Whenever there’s a tragedy like this, it’s natural to feel sad for a few days. But then life goes on, and we quickly return to our normal routines.
And at this time of year, there are plenty of things to distract us from misfortunes that have happened to other people…other people hundreds or thousands of miles away.
I’m guilty of doing this too. I’ve never been anywhere near a disaster (natural or manmade).
But one of my dear friends grew up in Newtown, and she is suffering this week. She has 2 young daughters, and her heart is breaking for the families who have lost their children.
It makes me realize how fortunate I am that my loved ones are safe. I am so grateful that I was able to spend the weekend making Christmas gifts, baking cookies, and cuddling with Chris and Skyla.
Please, please, please go hug your loved ones. Call the people who are dear to you and tell them that you love them. Tell them every day.
And know that I love you too, and I’m wishing you peace, happiness, and safety wherever you are.
While I hug Chris for the millionth time, here are some tidbits for you to peruse at your leisure.
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What do you do to cope when something terrible happens?
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So sorry for your friend in Newton and all she must be going through right now. We do need to hug our loved ones and not take them for granted!
Thanks, Emily. I’ve been hugging my husband and puppy a lot more these days.
Very well said Sage. Such a sad event and it really makes you realize how important it is to keep your loved ones close. I am so grateful to have a loving family and amazing friends and it really reminds you never to take that for granted. My sincerest condolences to those affected and suffering from this tragedy.
Thanks, Sarah. I feel sad for everyone affected by the shooting.
It’s a very scary time. I’ve been in some disasters, but have always been very lucky to come out safe. Hugging my hubby, calling my mom. Sending lots of prayers out for those affected. Sometimes it’s just appropriate to grieve and let time heal your heart.
Thanks, Megan. I’m feeling very thankful for my safety right now.
It’s so true. We must be thankful for our loved ones every day and not take them for granted. Such a tragedy- our hearts have been heavy.
Thanks, Molly. Feeling extra thankful for my loved ones right now.