The 2015 Edited Year Planner Is Here (Plus a Freebie!)

Enter your name and email below to get the free Daily Schedule worksheet. Part of the Editor’s Toolkit.
The holiday music is in full swing around here, and everywhere I go I hear people singing Christmas tunes. “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!!”
Unless it’s not.
Honestly, I’ve been getting emails from readers who think this time of the year positively sucks. Maybe you’re feeling a little bummed out right about now too, and all you wanna do is curl up on the couch with a plate of cookies and forget about editing your life for a while.
But you’re only feeling grumpy and lazy because you didn’t accomplish everything you wanted to do in 2014.
- Maybe you’re still at that soul-sucking job that kills your spirit a little more every day.
- Maybe you didn’t get in shape like you promised you would last new year’s eve.
- Maybe you’re battling debt that keeps growing no matter how hard you pinch your pennies.
- Maybe you spend all your time following other smart women who started their own businesses…but yours is still a just dream.
It’s totally normal to get a case of the winter blahs! Everyone feels a twinge of regret at the end of the year no matter how many goals they checked off their lists.
Thankfully, I’ve got something that will brighten your mood and remind you why you should care about yourself.

The 2015 Edited Year Planner is your secret weapon for staying on target with your goals, appointments, projects, and to-dos in a fun and systematic way.
It’s perfect for Type A personalities and those folks who wish they were!
With the help of the 5-step Life Editing Process, you’ll develop your gratitude practice, remove things that don’t serve you, attract what you want most, manage your time, and honor your personal happiness.
That’s what being a Life Editor is all about!

- 101 Beautifully Designed Pages of life editing goodness so that you can live your perfect life story.
- Self-Reflection Exercises to help you say goodbye to 2014 in a meaningful way. So much nicer than a new year’s eve hangover.
- Clear Goal Planning Worksheets for 8 areas of your life including personal development, relationships, finances, business, and more.
- Creative Visioning Techniques to help you prepare for your edited year. No more winging it!
- 2015 Monthly Planning Guides so that you can prepare for long-term projects.
- 2015 Year-at-a-Glance so that you can quickly hone in on specific dates without flipping back and forth to the monthly pages.
- A Complete Set of Daily Schedules (Sunday through Saturday) so that you can narrow your focus to your daily appointments and tasks.
- 12 Full-Page Monthly Spreads so that you have plenty of room to plan holidays, meetings, launches, and other important dates.
- 52 Weekly Planner Pages with clearly defined spaces for your daily tasks, master to-do list, goals, and Life Editing Process action steps. You’ll make tiny edits every day to bring yourself closer to your ginormous goals!
- 12 Monthly Edit Recap Forms so you can celebrate your life editing wins and make a plan for the following month.
- 4 Quarterly Review Pages so that you can reflect on your successes, challenges, and next action steps. Plus, a special quarterly bonus from me only for folks who purchase the 2015 Edited Year Planner. You won’t want to miss this!
- 2016 Year-at-a-Glance so you can get a jumpstart on your next edited year!

Enter your name an email below to get the free Daily Schedule worksheet. Part of the Editor’s Toolkit.

- Ambitious women who are ready to think like editors and tackle their goals in a systematic, structured, and methodical way. Baby steps make it all possible!
- People who are brand new to the Life Editing Process and those who want to take their editing up a notch.
- Folks who see the value in writing by hand. You take ownership of your results when you put pen to paper, so embrace your “old school” personality.
- Ladies who love the color pink. Let’s be honest here, this planner is pretty cute!

If you’re still not sure if the 2015 Edited Year Planner is right for you, download this free undated Daily Schedule page and try it out!

There are dozens of other organizing worksheets in the 2015 Edited Year Planner including weekly, monthly, and quarterly formats. If you like this Daily Schedule, you’ll LOVE the full version.
2015 Is Your Year to Shine!

Questions about this planner? Please send an email to

The Editor’s Toolkit
- Free Workshop: 3 Simple Steps to Become a Productivity Superstar
- 25+ Printable Worksheets
- 6 Life Editing Ebooks
- My Favorite Books and Resources
I love this Sage!!! What a beautiful sales page! And I love, love the bright pink sparkles everywhere! Can’t wait for 2015. xoxo, Jen
I’m going to try this out too, I don’t normally plan anything any more, and it’s starting to unravel my sanity. It could possibly be that I am trying to do more things than I am capable to do too, but I don’t want to stop anything. It’s a hard balance. .
Great! Let me know how it goes, Lisa. It takes a little work to get used to planning regularly, but you’ll be amazed by how much you can get done even if you have limited time. You can do it!
I love the design and colors of this planner, Sage! I’m going to print some of this out to work on over Thanksgiving. Thank you so much for putting your type A super-power to work for people like me! I want to be organized but sometimes need help getting it that way!
You’re so welcome, Erika! I’m thrilled that you bought the full version, and I hope it helps you get organized and make progress on your goals. 🙂
Love all of the colors in this! I’m an orange fan, and there aren’t too many things to be found that are blantantly orange, so this is right up my alley! And thank you for sharing an undated version to try. I’ve just gotten used to the planner I hav enow, but if your pages work out…I might have to pick this up!
Thanks, Havok! Let me know how it goes with the undated Daily Schedule. I always like to try before I buy too. What are your biggest goals for 2015?