New Live Stream | Triple Your Traffic: Get More Eyes on Your Products

We have so much to celebrate, Life Editor!

We recently got more than 300 members in my client-only Facebook Group, the Life Editor Awesome Party (LEAP!). As I’m typing this, we’re almost at 375 members. Woo hoo!

Purchase anything on my Everything Page to get an invitation to the group.

So, we’re acknowledging this milestone by having a new live stream training. I did a poll to figure out which topic I should cover, and this one came out on top:

Triple Your Traffic: How to Get More Eyes on Your Products


Triple Your Traffic: How to Get More Eyes on Your Products is an interactive live stream call to learn easy ways to skyrocket your sales and build a loyal following of Super Fans.

FYI, this one will stream on my Facebook page since Facebook no longer allows third-party apps to post to groups.

Date: Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Time: 9:00 am Pacific time (Los Angeles)
Click here to convert this time to your time zone.
Location: Streaming on my Facebook Page

Can’t make it to the recording? Please hit reply and tell me your questions, and I’ll answer them during the event.

In This FREE Live Stream Training, You’ll Learn

  • How to get more traffic to your shop without learning SEO, spending money on ads, or buying new software.
  • How to fix the common mistakes that drive people away from your website, never to return again.
  • My brutally honest take on why most people will never earn full-time incomes with their businesses. This is the truth bomb you need to hear!
  • Easy ways to get more eyes on your products to skyrocket your sales and build a loyal following of Super Fans.

Ready to boost your traffic?

Click here to watch Triple Your Traffic when the live stream starts tomorrow.

How to Double Your Income In 12 Weeks

How to make BIG money with your business faster than you ever thought possible.