Posts Tagged ‘traffic’
Get on the Waitlist for the Blake Friday Bundle!
It’s hard to believe, but I’ve participated in 116+ bundles and summits so far this year. Whoa! More than a dozen of those bundles have been paid bundles with ultra exclusive resources that go above and beyond the typical offers. The most popular of those bundles were the 2 hosted by the lovely Steph Blake, and…
Read MoreGet Ready to Simplify, Streamline, and Scale Your Biz | All-New Freebies!
Many of my clients started their businesses to have freedom, flexibility, and control in their lives. So why are you working 24/7 and feeling more stressed out than ever before??? Us biz owners can easily fall into the trap of devoting every second of our lives to improving and running our businesses. Because we love what…
Read MoreAll-New Unicorn Mojo Mini Bundles For Your Business
This month has been absolutely nutty for me with a hundred urgent deadlines . . . and I’m sure you have a mile-long to-do list and more appointments than you have minutes in the day. We don’t have time to download 100 courses from the latest bundle or spend hours researching which courses will best…
Read MoreBaby Steps to a Boosted Bank Account
This week in our LEAP Facebook Group, I tentatively mapped out all the digital courses and freebies I’ll be releasing through the end of the year. Psst! Purchase anything on my Everything Page to get an invite to our group. It was a massive list of 24+ offers! Now, a normal person would feel exhausted and possibly demotivated…
Read MoreNew Live Stream | Triple Your Traffic: Get More Eyes on Your Products
We have so much to celebrate, Life Editor! We recently got more than 300 members in my client-only Facebook Group, the Life Editor Awesome Party (LEAP!). As I’m typing this, we’re almost at 375 members. Woo hoo! Purchase anything on my Everything Page to get an invitation to the group. So, we’re acknowledging this milestone by having a new…
Read MoreFunding Pitfalls Small Business Owners Must Avoid
At some point, most entrepreneurs, business owners, and organizations need to raise money to keep the business growing. Fundraising can be for starting a new business, rehabilitating a business that’s experiencing a cashflow problem, expanding an existing business, and many more situations. Here’s how to begin the process of raising funds for your business and…
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