Link Roundup: Fall Resolutions

I may not have stepped foot in a classroom for nearly a decade, but fall always reminds me of a fresh start. It’s my kind of “new year.”

Since October starts on Monday (…wow, really?), I’m using this weekend to sort out some of my fall goals. I like having quarterly goals for myself, my marriage, and my business. Three-month goals are much easier for me to keep than year-long goals.

By the way, how are your new year’s resolutions from January going?

Yeah, I thought so.

Ready to make some 3-month goals for fall?

  • Get your dreams out of your head and onto a vision board so you’ll have a constant reminder of what you want to accomplish.
  • Try sprucing up your bucket list by writing your ideas into actionable goals.
  • Break down your goals into weekly and daily priorities.
  • Re-evaluate your relationships and ditch those toxic people.
  • Don’t know where to start? Sign up for a free Ready, Set, Go! coaching session with me and we’ll get you headed in the right direction.

While I define my autumnal goals (hmm…save the world or clean out the closet?), here are some tidbits for you to peruse at your leisure.

What I’m Reading

  • 31 Days Of. I look forward to this series every year, and the new one starts on Monday. Bloggers commit to posting every day about any topic of their choosing. Nearly 750 bloggers participated last year. So fun!
  • Wanna Be Successful? Make a Do-Not-Do List. Your stress level just got cut in half. Brilliant!
  • Live the Beach Lifestyle Everyday. Ahhhh…now where’s my daiquiri?

New Blog Posts

New Videos

The Editor’s Toolkit

  • Free Workshop: 3 Simple Steps to Become a Productivity Superstar
  • 25+ Printable Worksheets
  • 6 Life Editing Ebooks
  • My Favorite Books and Resources


  1. Shybiker on September 30, 2012 at 10:14 am

    You’re right that setting more frequent goals and monitoring is better than unrealistic huge annual goals. I’m working on maintaining my fitness and keeping calm. (The stress from my job tends to overwhelm me.)

    • Sage Grayson on September 30, 2012 at 10:23 am

      I need to be better about getting to the gym–definitely one of my fall resolutions! I’d probably be less stressed if I exercised more.

  2. Molly on September 29, 2012 at 7:24 pm

    I use the quarters of the year to start fresh, too. Mike & I are cleaning up our diet a bit and I’m adding in some new exercises. It’s definitely much easier than making a year long commitment to something!

    • Sage Grayson on September 30, 2012 at 10:08 am

      I’m tweaking my diet too–gotta work on portion control. My new year’s resolutions never seem to last until February, but quarterly goals actually feel doable.