Editor’s Notebook 259

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy!
What I’m Loving This Week
7 Easy Ways To Get Out Of Debt In 2022. Many of my clients are working on their debt-free journeys.
Colors: Where did they go? An investigation. A fascinating look at why the color in so many TV shows and movies is de-saturated.
6 Smart Things Super-Organized People Always Do. Remember to make your lists!
3 Super Simple Ways to Enjoy Your Life More. My favorite tip: pause to enjoy your food.
How to Make Time for Your Hobbies (& Why You Should). What new hobbies are you starting this year?
An 80-Year Harvard Study Reveals the Secret to Long-Term Happiness. It’s all about relationships and connection.
6 Ways to Make January Days Feel Less Short, Draining, and Dreary. A great reminder to plan fun activities to look forward to.
How I Stopped Procrastinating and Started Creating the Life of My Dreams. Yes! Give yourself permission to do something poorly or to fail completely.
5 Reasons Why Your Budget Isn’t Working — and How to Get Back on Track. Check where your money is really going.
How to Make the Most of Your 24 Hours. Set you intention and make every minute count.

The Editor’s Toolkit
- Free Workshop: 3 Simple Steps to Become a Productivity Superstar
- 25+ Printable Worksheets
- 6 Life Editing Ebooks
- My Favorite Books and Resources