Just Call Me The No-Niche Bitch

This week, I reached my goal of participating in 50 bundles and summits in 2024. Woo hoo!  It’s thrilling to accomplish a big goal (especially 7 and a half months early), and I shared my milestone in several Facebook groups for entrepreneurs. In one of the groups, we had a discussion about how I could…

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How to Stick to a Budget for Business Conference Expenses

Businesses regularly host events and retreats as part of their marketing. Without these events, it’s hard to tell people about their products, services, new operating procedures, or development itinerary.  But events can be expensive, so here are the easiest ways to stick to a budget for business conference expenses. Get Sponsorship Find a sponsor from…

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Editor’s Notebook 259

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy! What I’m Loving This Week 7 Easy Ways To Get Out Of Debt In 2022. Many of my clients are working on their debt-free journeys. Colors: Where did they go? An…

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