Get Cozy With The Love To Be Home Bundle | All-New Freebies!

Sometimes one of my clients will show up to a coaching call feeling completely unmotivated. She’s sluggish and bored and could really use a pick-me-up. Thankfully, I’ve found a super effective way to get your mojo back no matter how burned out you’re feeling—clean up you’re environment! Now before you roll your eyes, you should…

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I’m Speaking at Streamline & Chill — Grab Your Free Spot!

I’m thrilled to announce that I’m speaking at an all-new online event that’s unlike anything you’ve seen before! The Streamline & Chill Micro Audio Summit is a FREE event for coaches and creative professionals who want to learn the secrets to make your business easier with automation and AI.  This event is a compact micro audio…

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Simple Business Bundle | 70+ Easy Peasy Freebies!

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when running your business. There are so many options out there and tons of choices to make! That’s why I help my clients streamline wherever they can: Simplifying your projects not only makes running your biz a breeze, but you’ll feel happier and more in control of the rest of your…

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Strategic Simplicity Bundle (20+ Chaos-Busting Freebies!)

I love my clients with all my heart, but sometimes I just want to grab them by the shoulders and scream . . . “You gotta simplify, dude!” It’s tempting to want to try every system, say yes to every commitment, and fill up your life and business with so many obligations that you have…

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Design Your “Easy Yes” Product for Daily Sales | 12 Days of Life Editing

My annual “12 Days of Life Editing” celebration is prancing onward with a winter wonderland of all-new video courses to enjoy. Today’s featured course is for business owners who want to simplify their sales. Design Your “Easy Yes” Product for Daily Sales is your step-by-step guide to creating a low-priced yet high-value product that sells on autopilot every…

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“Domo Arigato, Mr Roboto.” These Automations Saved My Life!

There’s been a lot of talk lately about how computers are taking over our lives. ChatGPT can write anything you want, from a college essay to a legal contract. And of course, we’re glued to our phones 24/7 like moths to a flame. Now that I think about it, this fear of intelligent robots has been…

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Kiss Your Day Job GOODBYE! Doors Now Open for Goodbye 9-to-5

There’s a lot to love in Goodbye 9-to-5, my business mastermind group that helps you delete your distractions, design your personalized money-making plan, and build your business like a true leader. But my favorite new addition are the KISS Projects . . . that’s “keep it simple, sister!” KISS Projects to help you implement an evergreen…

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