Editor’s Notebook 257

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy!
What I’m Loving This Week
52 WEEKLY CHALLENGES TO UP YOUR READING LIFE IN 2022. I’m very tempted to try all of these ideas.
20 New Year’s Goals That Are Actually Worth Making. No hustling or overwhelm, just totally achievable goals.
Creative New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Fit into Your Crazy Schedule. Yes, you can edit your life no matter how busy you are.
7 Simple Goals (Not Lofty Resolutions) Everyone Can Stick With in the New Year. Easy peasy is the way to go.
9 Books to Help You Meet Your Financial Goals in 2022. Pay off your debt, boost your savings, and find a budget that works for you.
9 People with Depression Share How They Find Motivation in the Morning. It’s OK to not be OK.
My 6 guiding principles. My favorite: trust in karma.
How People Who Kept Their New Year’s Resolutions Did It. Great tips and proof that tracking matters.
I Put Effort Into My WFH Looks for a Week. Here’s What I Found. You can look nice for YOU, even if you don’t see anyone.
54 Things Absolutely Nobody Should be Storing, Anywhere. Don’t wait until spring for a big cleaning.

3 Simple Steps to Become a Productivity Superstar
Dump your excuses, transform your habits, and become the most productive person you know.