Editor’s Notebook 196

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy!
What I’m Loving This Week
Why This Font Is Everywhere. One of my favorites!
5 Steps to Create a Vision Board for Life, Money, Love, and More. And be sure to check out my latest vision board in our newest group call recording.
7 Pieces of Reading Advice From History’s Greatest Minds. Beautiful nuggets of wisdom for us bookish types.
The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Feng Shui. I’ve been using this mindful decorating technique for decades.
5 Reason Why You’re Not Getting the Career Satisfaction You Deserve. Some tough love for all of us.
10 Productivity Books That Let You Earn Back Time. I love them all! Did you favorites make the list?
What To Do When Your Workplace Reopens But Going Back To Work Still Feels Scary. Stay safe out there!
Your Stuff is Only Taking Up Space. “Every increased possession adds increased anxiety onto our lives.”
5 Things Emotionally Resilient People Don’t Do. The strongest people deleted these things long ago.
How to Move Forward in This Time of Instability and Change. The “new normal” is here to stay, so make room in your life for self-care, love, and compassion.
Cats vs 100 Mice. The carefree distraction we all need right now.
Let’s Connect
- Sign up for free productivity worksheets and more in the Editor’s Toolkit
- Follow me on YouTube, Facebook, and Pinterest
- Kajabi, an all-in-one platform for entrepreneurs
- PicMonkey, the best online photo editor
- Trello, simple and elegant project management app
- Book Like a Boss, beautiful and user-friendly scheduling app for coaches and consultants
- Schedule a coaching call with me