Editor’s Notebook 143
The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy!
What I’m Loving This Week
How To Learn To Love Mondays Again. It’s my favorite day of the week, but I know they’re not for everyone.
8 Things I Miss From My 90s Pre-Teen Bedroom. Remember this nonsense? So fun!
Tom Hanks to Play Fred Rogers, America’s Friendliest Neighbor, in Upcoming Film. This is the best news!
How to Break Up With a Friend (and Not Feel Guilty). Growing apart is normal, so be kind to yourself.
Want to be an artist? Watch Groundhog Day. It’s such an amazing and inspiring movie!
The 10 Commandments of a Clutter-Free Life. Keep it clean and simple.
Why You Procrastinate, Or Fail To Choose. What’s really holding you back?
5 Tips That’ll Make Bullet Journaling Faster and Easier. Yes, you can stay organized while still being creative.
Things That Begin a Sentence That Indicate You May Need to Refrain From Finishing That Sentence. Ugh, just stop right there.
15 Better Things to Do After Work (if You Want to Be Happy). No more mindless TV watching.
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