Don’t Quit Your Day Job
The first paid call with a new client is always special. We map out their 3-month goals and how long it will take them to build up their websites or earn X amount of money.
The pieces fall into place, and the timeline seems doable.
But every so often, I’ll get on that first video call and the client will be absolutely glowing. She can barely contain her excitement!
“What’s going on?” I’ll ask. “What’s the big news?”
“I QUIT MY JOB YESTERDAY!” she’ll squeal, practically bouncing in her chair.
Suddenly, my heart will feel like it’s made of lead. Oh…boy…
There’s this misconception in the world of online entrepreneurs that you need to quit your day job in order to devote yourself solely to your business.
If you don’t, you’re viewed as “less than,” not a risk taker, someone with low self-worth, or even someone who doesn’t take her business seriously.
Yuck! There are a lot of Judgy McJudges in this new business community. Honestly, I was one of them.
I fell under the spell that REAL entrepreneurs don’t have day jobs. I was too cool for that—too ambitious!
So I quit my job as a book editor before I had coached a single person. My business was still a baby, but I figured it would magically start earning me money super fast.
Did I dive into my business like a maniac and work my butt off those first few months?
Nope. I slept a lot, watched awful TV shows, and did hours of online “research.” It took me nearly 6 months before I had a single sale.
And all that time I didn’t have an income. Eep.
Here’s the thing: I probably would have been better off sticking with my day job while building my coaching practice on the side. I’m certain I would have used my limited time more strategically.
But struggling at the start of my business made me resilient, and I like to think it made me a better coach. I truly understand how much blood, sweat, and tears goes into running a business, and I don’t want my clients to struggle like I did.
What happens when a client quits her job without warning? Oh, and by the way, she has no savings and needs to somehow pay rent next month.
Well, that’s when sweet Sage disappears for a while.
I’ll look her dead in the eyes and say, “There is no going back. There is no stalling or wasting even one minute of time. You can do this, but YOU MUST DO EVERYTHING I TELL YOU.”
That’s my job. My clients hire me to get them from Point A to Point B…even if that means being a bitchy slavedriver to protect you from your own mistake.
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