Behind the Scenes: Quarterly Care Packages December 2014

Today I’m giving you a behind the scenes peek at what’s inside my clients’ Quarterly Care Packages for December. There’s stuff for inspiration, motivation, and celebration!

So what are Quarterly Care Packages?

My 6-month and 12-month clients receive Quarterly Care Packages from me with required reading books, inspirational trinkets, and other goodies. It’s my way of letting them know they’re doing a great job and to keep up their momentum when they feel resistance.

Life editing ain’t for slackers! It’s scary getting out of your comfort zone, but you gotta do it if you want to reach your goals and live your authentic life story.

Wanna see what my clients will be getting in the mail this month? Watch the video below for a behind the scenes peek at all the fun!

And if you’re one of my 6-month or 12-month clients, try to act surprised when you get your package, m’kay?

Items mentioned in the video:

Curious about life coaching? Check out my Work With Me page.

What’s on your wish list this year?

In the comments below, share your favorite gift ideas for an edited life.


  1. Kerryn Hewson (Colour Your Life) on December 2, 2014 at 9:12 pm

    I love your candy cane scarf and green cardi combo! So festive. 🙂

    I’ve just finished reading The Big Leap and it was so timely as I prepare for my first ever webinar and bust through my current upper limit. Eek!

    I’m really intrigued by the idea of The 12 Week Year because I totally agree that you take the time that you give yourself to get things done.

    • Sage Grayson on December 4, 2014 at 10:11 am

      Haha! I’m in full “Santa Sage” mode! The 12 Week Year is awesome because I will procrastinate FOREVER if I give myself too much time.