Baby Steps to a Boosted Bank Account

This week in our LEAP Facebook Group, I tentatively mapped out all the digital courses and freebies I’ll be releasing through the end of the year.

Psst! Purchase anything on my Everything Page to get an invite to our group.

It was a massive list of 24+ offers!

Now, a normal person would feel exhausted and possibly demotivated by an overwhelming to-do list like that.

But not me! And not because I’m a content creation machine.

No, I felt immense RELIEF because these courses have been gathering dust in the murky recesses of my computer for weeks, months, and in some cases, years.

I bet you have some dead and forgotten products buried away too. It’s such as shame because it means that these tools and solutions aren’t getting into the hands of the people who need them.

And maybe just as important—you’re not getting paid!

My challenge for you this week is to take a step (even small steps count!) to finish a product or offer for your business.

 Baby Steps to a Boosted Bank Account 

  1. Choose one dead product or idea.
  2. Set a short time limit to complete it. This will give you a sense of urgency so you won’t drag your feet.
  3. Tell your followers, subscribers, friends, family, dog, etc. when you’ll have this product available for sale in your shop. Join our weekly group calls for more accountability.
  4. Carve out some distraction-free time in your schedule and GET IT DONE! Don’t worry about being perfect. Every single one of my courses has typos, formatting issues, and wonky graphics . . . but I’m still getting sales, baby!
  5. Add the new product to your shop and send as much traffic there as you can. More eyes means more sales.

Need more help cranking out your content? Check out the 2-Day Product Producer.

You can do this!

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