5 Fast Law of Attraction Tips for Busy Women | 5 Friday Edits

My clients are sometimes surprised that an editorial, analytical, Type A mind like mine is drawn to practices like the law of attraction.

For me, positive thinking and improving your mindset is unquestionably tied to life editing. You can’t make changes in your life unless you believe you have control over your destiny.

What I love about the law of attraction is that you get as much as you put in.

If you treat it like a “one and one” activity, such as doing an abundance exercise once and giving up, then you can’t expect a pile of gold to fall into you lap (or whatever your dream is).

But if you nurture it like any other skill, such as playing the guitar or learning another language, then your attracting powers will grow and it will become easier to pull those good things to you.

Our lives have never been busier so we need our manifestation practices to be quick and easy.

In today’s video, you’ll learn fast law of attraction techniques to get exactly what you want.

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