When My TBR Sneaks Up On Me

Do you ever get the feeling you’re being watched? Today’s short is dedicated to all us book lovers (and Encanto fans!) who have an endlessly growing TBR (to be read) list.

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Groundhog Day for Life Coaches

Happy Groundhog Day! Do you ever get deja vu? Like every day is the same over and over again? Watch today’s #shorts video to see what Groundhog Day is like for life coaches.

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My Simple LAW OF ATTRACTION Morning Routine

How much you can get done and accomplish in a day is directly related to how you wake up in the morning. Those first few hours can make or break your mood, which then affects your motivation and willingness to do difficult tasks. On more than one occasion, I’ve woken up with a bad attitude,…

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Editor’s Notebook 222

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy! What I’m Loving This Week Why You Can’t Listen to Music While You Work. Do you work better in complete silence or with a hum in the background? 28 Tiny Home…

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3 Simple Ways to Maintain a Positive Mindset

One of my defining characteristics is my unwavering positive mindset, which comes in handy when my career is about motivating people. Seeing the bright side of life comes naturally to me, but I have to admit that the last year put a strain on my chipper attitude. Who can stay optimistic when it feels like…

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The Edit My Life Planner is NOT for Everyone

A few nights ago, I spent an hour driving around my neighborhood admiring all the Christmas lights and holiday decorations. Some houses had simple white lights, some had big retro rainbow bulbs, some had inflatable snowmen and reindeer. Of course, I sang along at the top of my lungs to my favorite Christmas album. No,…

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How to Find Happiness Again After a Loss

Before I share today’s blog post, I want to remind you that my annual Thank You Week Sale ends on Monday. Get all the details here. With the current worldwide health crisis, we must acknowledge that there are many empty chairs at the dinner table this Thanksgiving. I’m very fortune not to have lost anyone…

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