Editor’s Notebook 210

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy! What I’m Loving This Week 10 Things You Can Do Immediately To Improve Your Quality of Life. If you’re struggling right now, try these strategies to feel better fast. Why the…

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Busy, Broke, and Burned Out | How to Recover Fast!

Most of my clients (and maybe you too?) are struggling with one of the “3 B”s of life coaching: you’re busy, you’re broke, or you’re burned out. The BUSY ones have to-do lists that are 10 pages long . . . that is, if they even have a minute to write the list. The BROKE…

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Why I Never Say “I’m Busy!”

The car goes “Beep!” The dog goes “Bark!” And the career woman goes “Busy! Busy! Busy!” There’s an unwritten rule that people follow nowadays whenever they’re asked how they’re doing. The only acceptable answer is BUSY! It’s like we’re doing something wrong if we don’t fill every minute with a constant buzz of productivity and…

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New Clubhouse Class: Side Hustles Simplified

Next to fidget spinners and colorful slime, it looks like side hustles are having their moment. Nearly all my clients get to a point when they’re having so much success editing their lives that they want to start their own businesses too. But here’s the thing: they DON’T want to work 24/7, quit their day…

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New Clubhouse Class: Type A Meditations

I once met a woman from Switzerland at a business conference who was utterly fascinated with American idioms. “What do you mean that you are ‘Type A’?” she asked after I had described myself that way. Now that I think about it, it is a strange way to describe oneself! I explained that many Americans…

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