Birthday Week Freebies Day 1: Pomodoro Powerhouse

Welcome! It’s Day 1 of my “Birthday Week” annual celebration during the week of my birthday.  I’m saying a great big THANK YOU to all my beautiful, kind, and talented Life Editor followers (that’s you!). It’s my honor and pleasure to be your coach. I may be unwrapping presents and feasting on chocolate cake (with sprinkles!)…

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WAIT! Read This Before You Quit

We’re more than halfway through January, and this week I’ve received no fewer than 5 emails sharing the fact that most people give up on their new year’s resolutions by the third week of the year. Thankfully, a couple of the emails mentioned tips for getting back on track, but a few fell into the “see,…

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You Can’t Be Everything to Everyone

Many years ago, I followed a creativity coach who published the most beautiful planners covered in her whimsical art. She spoke both English and Spanish, and her fans kept asking her to offer Spanish planners too. So she spent months translating the text and adjusting the layouts. Finally, she launched her new Spanish-language planners out into…

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Editor’s Notebook 300

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy! What I’m Loving This Week A door at a Swedish library was accidentally left open. Such a lovely story! Book people are my kind of people. The first nine minutes. A…

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Slay Your To-Do List! Unmask These Productivity Myths

One of my lovely clients nicknamed me the “Productivity Queen,” and I’ll gladly wear that crown of bejeweled pens and sticky notes. Productivity flows through my veins, and I’m energized by getting stuff done, checking off tasks on my endless to-do list, and climbing the goals ladder to who-knows-where. But sometimes we can go overboard in…

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Editor’s Notebook 295

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy! What I’m Loving This Week I Got Rid of 150 Things in Less Than a Month by Playing the Minimalism Game. Would you try this extreme way to clean up your…

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3 Job Must-Haves to Support Your Well-Being

Looking after your overall well-being can be tough because not everyone has the luxury to work at a job that ignites their passion and creativity. A job may not provide a lot of stimulation, but it still must support your well-being and mental health or else you’ll burn out fast. Here are 3 must-haves for…

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