How to Earn 6 Figures With a Tiny List
One of my favorite clients sells a gorgeously designed, super helpful $10 ebook on her website.
But like most entrepreneurs, she doesn’t get much traffic to her site, and her email subscriber list is just over a hundred people.
So, to reach her goal of earning a full-time income with her business, she’d need to sell more than 500 ebooks per month, every month.
Not very realistic, right?
That’s why it was such a delight when I showed her how to create and market her own high-ticket, high-value program that has the power to truly transform her clients’ lives. You can’t say that about a fluffy ebook.
“Wait a minute,” she said. “I only need 2 sales per month to earn a full-time income?”
I nodded.
“And if I get just 3 sales per month, then I’ll earn more than 6 figures?”
I smiled. It was as if a lightbulb went off above her head. Ding!
No more wasting her precious time begging nobodies to buy her rinky dink PDF. No more long hours spinning her wheels.
Imagine that!
I know dozens of women who earn more than $100K per year with tiny lists. It’s not about getting more eyes on your products . . . it’s about focusing on the right eyes who are already primed to buy.
If you’re feeling defeated because of your small subscriber list and low-priced products, then I challenge you to think about how you could provide MORE value while spending LESS time marketing.
A 6-figure business could be just an idea away.
Want to learn my 6-figure formula? Apply for Goodbye 9-to-5 and get started earning a full-time income with your business.
How to Double Your Income In 12 Weeks
How to make BIG money with your business faster than you ever thought possible.